Thursday, October 21, 2010

Unit 8 Readings

W3schools HTML Tutorial

The HTML tutorial was an easy way to relearn HTML and how to make websites.  In the computer class I took in my undergrad we were taught HTML and created our own websites.  I did not fully understand it at the time, but this tutorial has helped me understand it better.  I think that understanding HTML and creating websites only comes through doing and use.

HTML Cheatsheet

This cheatsheet helps keep all the different HTML codes in order. The codes are easy but because there are so many of them it can get confusing as to which does which.  Having the cheatsheet will keep them all in order and be there for easy accessibility.

W3 School Cascading Style Sheet Tutorial

CSS was not covered in the computer class I took in undergrad so this tutorial helped me understand what CSS is and how it works.  It will also be useful to come back to this to refresh my memory when I get confused or forget what the difference is between HTML and CSS.

Beyond HTML: Developing and re-imagining library web guides in a content management system

It is good to see how other institutions are handling technology and the transition from one technology to another.  Georgia State University set up a system and timeline to transfer their existing web-page creator to another one.  It was done in a timely manner, which seems haphazard for those departments with large database systems.  I think that more time should have been given to them to convert their materials so they did not have to copy-paste their existing materials.   This makes it seem like they will not learn the new features of the new system, although I know that they will once the system is in place.  It is up to the department, though, to go back and update their page once this has happened, which may or may not occur.  Things at GSU seem to be moving in a good direction and the way they went about converting their system is one that could be followed by other institutions. The way that different departments worked together to make this happen shows how working together can get something done quickly and easily. 


  1. Hi Jobeth,

    I haven't had any past training with HTML, but as I went through the tutorial I too am of the opinion that it is something that can be understood and applied more efficiently through time and practice. I tried to create a cheat sheet of my own, but I found actually going through the examples and writing HTML elements out myself was more useful to my general understanding. But like you said, the cheat sheets (including the one in our required reading) are so beneficial in that they are able to order common elements and tags and they are always there to look back at...especially if your just beginning like me!

    Great point in regards to the CMS article. I had not thought about that implication while reading.

    Have a good day!

  2. Having dealt with liaisons in the past, I can tell you that if GSU had given them a later date to finish transitioning, they still wouldn't have done it- some people are totally motivated to learning new systems and others are not- it's up to them to get themselves moving and learning, and if they don't, the students shouldn't be the ones getting the negative impact of their procrastination.
