Saturday, September 11, 2010

Week 2 Readings

Moore’s Law
            I understand how this Law has allowed for the technology expansion during the 20th and early 21st century, but I am not sure exactly how this has happened.  After reading this article several times, I am still not 100% sure what exactly this law is.  I’m hoping that this will be further explained in class on Monday, or someone can point me to a simpler definition. 

Personal Computer Hardware
            I have taken a computer technology course before where we were taught all of these terms and how they worked.  Sadly, I am the type of person who does not really know how her computer works, just as long as it does.  So, it is useful to have relearned all of these terms and to hopefully better understand all of it, especially how it all makes my computer work. 

Computer History Museum
            My first two thoughts on seeing this were (1) there’s a museum about computers? and (2) can I visit it? Then I looked further into the website.  Sadly it is located in California, so I cannot visit it readily at this moment.  The thought that there is a museum about computers though should have been a “duh” thought.  There are museums about everything: torture, spying, sports.  Having one about computers should be nothing. The fact that computers are something that has only evolved during the last 50 odd years is what gave me pause.  Most museums feature “old” items, ones that were created 100 or more years ago.  A museum with a subject that is only 50 years old is shocking, yet exciting at the same time.  I really hoped looking at the website that it was located in Pittsburgh because seeing some of these exhibits would have been interesting to see.  I may not fully understand how computers work, but am interested in their evolution.

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